Michigan was beautiful - almost picture-perfect weather!
We spent a couple days with family and then moved to Hoffmaster State Park - right on the shore of Lake Michigan. What a beautiful beach! Nice campground - close to everything! (Maybe too close! We broke down and bought our Yeti cooler at Dick's Sporting Goods there! OMG expensive but they worked with me and managed to knock off about $75. They're supposed to hold ice for over 5 days and they DO!)

We even got to use our kayak! Went for a 6 mile float on the Muskegon River with our son & his family (in their canoe). And we manged to stay upright this time so - good time! (Had to take pictures to prove it!) That's Don & I in our Sea Eagle kayak. What a nice day we had!!!
Of course we couldn't camp at Don's family in Rochester, NY but after a very nice visit there we headed out and spent the first night at Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.

Shenandoah National Park is on the Skyline Drive (a narrow mountain road with beautiful vistas). The park was about 22 miles in - all windy, twisty roads but the views were beautiful. Elevation 3700'!
We stayed at Matthews Arm Campground and the site was pretty basic. No electric or water and the restrooms had no showers. (We were glad we were only there for one night! We've become spoiled with the State Parks & all their amenities!)
Site was quiet tho with only the deer passing through for excitement. (Our neighbors saw a bear but we missed it!)
The next day it was on to Georgia. Again, we drew quite a lot of attention on the highway. Even had a VW van (vintage and fully restored by the look) pull up alongside and video/photo us! They followed us for about 20 minutes/miles - switching from one side to in front then the other side and then behind. Seemed to be taking a lot of video of our set-up and then some still pictures, too. Quite a set up they had - looked professional. We'd love to know what they did with the pictures/footage they took! Anyone know? :)
All in all - great trip! Only a couple days with any rain at all! Temperatures were perfect everywhere! We met lots of new friends and had a great time!
Can't wait for our next teardrop adventure!