Well, just home from a Labor Day weekend spent at Mike Roess Gold Head Branch State Park in Keystone Heights, FL. About an hour and a half from home & just right when you only have a couple days to lounge around.
Once again the Teardrop was a smash hit! Lots of other campers - all raving about what a great job Don did in building the camper. This time they seemed particularly taken with the "wrapped" fenders. (We bought regular metal fenders (for durability) and then Don wrapped them with the same wood as the camper.)
We met lots of nice people - especially a couple with an old 1984 fiberglass Shasta (13' I think they said). They were the original owners and had done lots & lots of traveling in it. Quite impressive for being so small. (They said they were usually the smallest camper at any campground but they had to give us that claim for this weekend!) Unfortunately it was short lived as a father & son came roaring in on a Gold Wing motorcycle - pulling a trailer that unfolded up and out to sleep two. They took the "smallest camper" award away from us!
The campground was pretty large but extremely quiet - especially at night. We had a full moon every night and I tried to capture it but ... you can't really get it from my picture.
As you can see, Molly came along - as usual. It was a pretty warm weekend but she loves it hot. Found her laying in the sand most of the time - right out in the sun. We hit the flea market in Waldo on Saturday, along with a pretty nice antique mall. (We all cooled off there!) Fortunately there was no rain (thanks to Issac having just passed) and the nights cooled down nicely. (We did use the A/C tho!)
Guess that's about it for this trip. Next one ... probably to the mountains to catch the changing of the leaves in October.